Living in the Moment

If you are one of our “regular” readers, you know that my hubby is a dementia patient (in the early-middle stages). If not, you can read about it here, if you want to.

The past week (since a week-ago yesterday) has literally been hell on earth here at our house – and in the truck or car. For the last eight days, I’ve felt like I’m walking on egg shells. And the poor dogs have been stressed-out way more than I can deal with emotionally. Yesterday, I asked our vet – via text – if Xanax was safe enough for Shadow. That’s how bad it was on Friday night. He responded affirmatively and with the suggested dosage. Bless that man!!!

So far – since late yesterday afternoon – things have been fairly calm and peaceful. I’m praying they stay that way. And I’m trying hard to live in the moment. Last night – just before bedtime – I gave both girls a dose of the Xanax in case things went downhill again. They slept through the night. And, so did I once I turned the tv off.

Living with a dementia patient is NOT for wimps, I can tell you for sure! Especially if you also live with animals who are as sensitive and tuned into your own moods as mine are. And they react to it in different ways. (Shadow runs away to hide; Ducky barks almost incessantly.)

The dogs and I are in the back yard, getting away from the tv news and getting some fresh air. I’m praying that when we go back inside, peace and calm will still prevail. And I will try to keep living in the moment.

Have a great week! And please send us energy and light for a peaceful week; or say a prayer, light a candle, whatever. Thank you for being there for us as we travel this road. Peace and Love!! 💓

18 thoughts on “Living in the Moment

  1. Pamela says:

    I’m so sorry for the stresses on everyone in your family. I wish you every little moment of peace you can find. So glad the vet was able to give you one tool to help out.

    Liked by 1 person

    • My Golden Life says:

      Thank you, Caren! Sam’s mother had it, too, though I’m not sure it was the same type. My grandmother also had it long before it was called anything but senility.

      I truly appreciate the hugs and love!


  2. Jan K says:

    Oh, Sue, I’ve been meaning to check in with you and just haven’t had a free minute lately. It’s tough enough to deal with that on your own…but to have the dogs affected by it so much makes it that much worse. I’m glad you have a good vet that can help you through those times. I’m always thinking of you, and hope things stay quieter! ♥

    Liked by 1 person

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