Dementia Caregiving Ain’t For Wimps!

As most of our readers know, Ducky’s HuDad was diagnosed with dementia last year; and we’ve been through some weeks of dementia-related episodes.

This past week has seen more episodes. Without going into details, I can tell you they were not directed at me like the past ones. BUT random short ones have been directed at poor Ducky all week. Thankfully he hasn’t tried to hurt her, but he has yelled at her. And we all know that “barking” back at a dog – especially an already anxious one – just makes matters worse. The problem is that hubby has absolutely no reasoning ability when the dementia takes hold. 💔

I’ve been able to keep myself on an even keel by constantly reminding myself that it’s the dementia, not hubby.

But how does one explain to a dog why “Daddy” sometimes acts like an ogre? It’s not possible. 💔 So I do my best to stay calm and help her calm down. She’s resting at the moment; but every time hubby says anything or gets up to do something, she gets anxious again.

If you’ve noticed I haven’t been around much lately, this is why.

Right now Ducky wants to be back outside and away from her Daddy’s negative energy.

It’s hot out here, but I’ve got her favorite toy, water bowl, and my water. If being outside helps my baby girl feel better, it’s worth putting up with the heat for a while.

22 thoughts on “Dementia Caregiving Ain’t For Wimps!

  1. edgar62 says:

    I have never experienced this but I have two friends who have – both mothers. You’re right – it is not for whimps. You have two people – Hubby and YOURSELF and you have Ducky to look after. Yes, I can understand the stress you must be feeling at times but this can be your lifeline, the place where you can sound off and work out some of your frustrations. We are here, we will listen and perhaps some can offer advice. Take care of your family but just as important – take care of yourself.

    Liked by 1 person

    • My Golden Life says:

      Hi! I know you folks are there. And – like our beloved animals – without judgment of any kind. And I truly appreciate each and every one of you far more than words can say.


    • My Golden Life says:

      Thanks Jan. ❤️ Hugs and kisses right back at you and Luke from Ducky and me!! And I think you could do it if you had to. You never know how strong you are until you need to be.


  2. marye123 says:

    I’m so sorry, Sue. That is such a nightmare to deal with for all concerned. My heart goes out to you–I’m not on FB much at all anymore and just happened upon your post. Sending you hugs and hope for discovering plenty of coping mechanisms for you and Ducky.

    Liked by 1 person

    • My Golden Life says:

      Thanks Mary. One very dependable coping mechanism for Ducky is a few hours at daycare. It gets her out of the house and having fun. And gets me out, too.


  3. catladymac says:

    Sending purrayers and POTP for you and Ducky. If only we could explain what is happening – why Dad is the way he is, why you need to go to the vet…

    Liked by 1 person

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