Radar’s New Purpose

Each dog has a purpose. Isn’t that what the book and movie said? Radar’s purpose with us was to help us all heal from the loss of his sisters and to fill empty spaces in our lives….

Hubby keeps asking “when are we getting another Golden?” I keep saying “when the right one comes along.” Right now my heart still hurts from the sudden loss of this sweet boy….

Ducky needs a new playmate, another brother, companion, friend. And I’m seriously open to getting her one. In fact, I promised her that we would get her another one. WHEN Callie, Shadow, and Radar find us the right one. I’m sure they will at some point. Hopefully sooner rather than later.

I miss all my furry angels. They were each special to me for different reasons. But this boy?

I have to admit that there was something extra special about him. Maybe because he was the latest one. Maybe because Ducky accepted him so easily. Maybe because despite whatever he went through in his “previous life”, he was still trusting of humans, loving, and easy-going. Maybe all those things plus some I haven’t thought of yet. Whatever the reason – or reasons – he was the perfect fit for all three of us and we miss him every minute of every day.

We’ve gotten back into our old routine of not having a set routine, and gotten comfortable with it; but I would gladly give up the old routine if it meant having Radar here with us, happy and on his way to being healthy. But that’s not going to happen.

We will always miss Radar, just as we will always miss Kissy, Callie, and Shadow. There’s an emptiness in our little corner of the world that he was filling while he was with us.

Now it’s up to Radar to help his sisters find us another boy to welcome into our home and hearts. His new purpose is to send us a new boy to pick up where he left off. Not to replace him (because no other dog ever could), but to carry on his mission.

12 thoughts on “Radar’s New Purpose

  1. Maggie says:

    This is such a beautiful approach, and I wholeheartedly agree with trusting Radar to find just the right guy. (Oddly enough, I’m completely sure Emmett sent us Ripley… 😉 not sure why he sent a cat, but he did!) Sending you so much love.

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  2. easyweimaraner says:

    oh we hope the angels will be with you to find the one who will enter your house and your heart… we feel incomplete and there is no way to go back to normal if our heart says that we have to do something special first, before we can carry on…. all the good luck, for a match made and arranged in heaven

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Lynda Fisher says:

    BJ has been gone since January 22, 2016, and I miss him every day and still cry when I see pictures of him and read posts like yours. I took me about 6 months before I was ready to adopt another dog. One day, it just hit me that I could no longer stand the emptiness, quietness, and loneliness. I spent time going to the shelters and adopted Duncan. He wasn’t exactly the dog I anticipated getting and I’m not sure he really wanted me, but I wanted and needed a dog and he needed a home. He’s been with me since July 2016.

    When it’s the right time and the right pup comes along, you’ll know.

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  4. Dakota/Caren/Cody says:

    “carry on his mission” can’t begin to tell you how much I love that. Radar was an Angel here on Earth. Just wish your time with him had been much, much longer. Take comfort in the fact that all of those Angels are busy working on finding you just the right golden!! xoxo

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  5. Jan K says:

    I hope Radar and his sisters can find you all a new companion soon. While it will never be the same, I just know it well help you to heal just a little more. Paws crossed! ♥

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  6. My GBGV Life says:

    You will know when it is the right time and pup, just as you did with Radar. I’m sure you will see the signs being sent when they come. Wishing you a wonderful new pup for your family.

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