Falling Down on the Job

Ducky must be sick. Or hurting. Or something.

If you look closely, you’ll see a squirrel on the ground to the right of the bird feeder. He’s eating the sunflower seeds that he – or one of his buddies – scooped out of the feeder.

The whole time he was there, Ducky was laying in the grass, not far from the carport where I’ve been sitting and drinking my coffee. Laying there, just watching and at times even completely ignoring the li’l critter.

In the video you can barely see the critter to the left of the feeder, picking at more sunflower seeds.

My friend Jan at Wag n Woof Pets said “we all have off days…” Maybe she’s right, but for Ducky, this is one for the record books!! 🤣

Maybe I should schedule full-body x-rays for Ducky at the vet’s and even a brain scan?!

11 thoughts on “Falling Down on the Job

  1. easyweimaraner says:

    maybe she was in howliday mode because of the day off tomorrow? I hope she just wasn’t interested in this guy and everything is ok with her… Phenny said he likes a roast filled with other things than sunflower seeds much better LOL

    Liked by 2 people

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